How to set up workflow

This Knowledge Base article explains how to set up workflow for the first time in the Workflow Manager. The initial setup should be done by the Workflow Manager/Administrator.

Step 1 - Enable workflow

To enable the workflow feature on your site, update the following system setting:

workflow.enabled true

Following the update, you will find a new section under Editorial called Workflow

There are two other system settings you can select to control workflow.

workflow.notify.assigner.enabled will email the assigner on workflow assignment if set to "true"

lock.service.enabled will lock an article being edited by a user if set to "true". The user can unlock the article to make it available to other users. This ensures multiple users cannot be in the same article at the same time.

Step 2 - Create Roles and assign Privileges

In the Roles and Privileges Manager, create any roles required in your workflow. Examples of roles include, Writer, Editor, Copywriter, etc. You also want to create a Workflow administrator.

Note: Even though two roles may have the same privileges, you will want to have separate roles for workflow assignments.

To create a Role:

  • click Add Role
  • Add an internal name (writer, editor, copy.editor, managing.editor)
  • Add a Display name (Writer, Editor, Copy Editor, Managing Editor)
  • Assign Privileges as described below. You can start to type the privilege name in the box and select the appropriate tag

Below is the list of Article and Workflow privileges and suggested roles they could be assigned to:

Article Manager

  • Allows users to work in the Article Manager, creating and editing articles and assigning featured images
  • Must be included in any roles that works with articles
  • Can be the only role a user has and still utilize Workflow 

View Workflow Assignments

  • Allow role to view the All Articles Workflow workspace
  • Should be assigned to any role who engages in and/or monitors workflow activities such as a writer, editor, copywriter, etc.
  • Don't assign it to anyone you want to restrict to just My Articles and Unclaimed Articles

Override Workflow Assignments

  • Allows users to override the current assignment of an article and assign it to a different user
  • Should be assigned to Workflow administrators and managers and other users who may need this feature

Workflow Manager

  • Allows users to access the Workflow Manager -  where you create and edit the steps of your workflow process
  • Should be assigned to Workflow administrators

Step 3 - Assign Roles to users

In the User Manager, assign your team members the appropriate roles created in the step above, by scrolling down the General tab of the User to the Roles section and toggling the switch for the role or roles you want to assign. Save your changes.

Step 4 - Plan your workflow process

  • You will want to plan your workflow with the following in mind:
    Each step will have only one associated role
  • Each step will have one or more target steps
  • One or more steps will Exit workflow, for example, Publish Article

You may find it helpful to list your roles and draw a diagram or flowchart of your workflow. For example:

Step 5 - Create your workflow process in the Workflow Manager

Create a workflow in the Workflow Manager at

This is not the same as the Workflow Articles page which appears in the continuum navigation under Editorial.

Start creating your workflow steps and assign roles to each step.

To create your steps:

  1. Click  + Add A New Step
  2. Assign a title
  3. Assign a role 
  4. Save
  5.  Exit workflow should not be checked unless the step is the end of your workflow
  6. Create your next step and save

Once your steps have been completed:

  1. Go back into Step 1 and select your Target Step which should be Step 2
  2. Continue creating your workflow steps assigning target steps

Additional Notes:

  • You can assign multiple target steps
  • Exit workflow checkbox ends the workflow

Step 6 - Test your workflow

As an administrator, you should have access to all the workflow steps. Create an article and test your workflow steps to ensure the workflow is correct.

Please reference this Knowledge Base article for more information on how editorial workflow works: