ContinuumAdvancedHow do I create a newsletter sign-up form (manually)?

How do I create a newsletter sign-up form (manually)?

This article will describe how to create a form that does not require Continuum administrative tools and databases. This is often used to add additional e-newsletter signups to your website.

When you set up a form using this method, the data will not be stored in a database or accessible in your Continuum dashboard. Instead, it is sent to the email list you designate from your Email Service Provider (ESP).

Insert the code for this form either in an editorial content area or on a new landing page.

Add the following code to an editorial content area or on a new landing page to add a form that uses the standard look as other built-in forms on your website.

  1. This is the title of your form. If you'd like to change this, edit the text between > and < where it reads Newsletter Sign-Up in the code above.
  2. list_id = The external mailing list ID that you wish to add the new registrant to. (required)
  3. redirect = The URL that you want to send your registrant to immediately after signing up. (optional)
  4. email = This is where your customer will input their email address when he sees the form on your website. This field will be required for the customer.

Note: start_date = This is what we call a "honeypot" field. If this field is filled out, the form submission will be rejected and the user will be redirected to the homepage. Only bots will fill this in, so if you include this line, it's best to hide it (as shown in the code above) from the user's view.

If you're unsure about how your form will look on your website, test it out in your staging environment first.

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