ePublishing Knowledge BaseContinuumContent Import/ExportHow do I export XML-Feed content for articles and blog posts?

How do I export XML-Feed content for articles and blog posts?

If you want to export your articles and blog posts to an XML feed based on the NewsML-G2 standard, follow the instructions below.

There are currently the following options for different routes and filters:

  • Article ID numbers in a comma-delimited string
  • Article ID numbers in a range
  • Date range with date type filter
  • Taxonomy associations
  • By Individual Publication Edition
  • By Individual Newsletter Issue

Export XML URL:

The route for all article XML exports:


Based on Article ID numbers:

You can specify specific articles using the following syntax:


The articles will be exported in the same order noted in the comma-delimited list.

The article IDs can be found in the Article Manager > Search form in the column to the far left.

Articles can be exported regardless of their state: published or unpublished or in workflow, if applicable.

Based on Article ID ranges:

You may also designate a range of article ID numbers, rather than individual ID numbers.

If a range in included, all articles included in the range will be returned along with any additional articles outside of the range as designated by the individual numbers separated by a comma:


Based on date ranges:

Specify a date range using the following syntax:



  • from: Accepted date format YYYY-MM-DD
  • to: Accepted date format YYYY-MM-DD
  • datetype: The date field to be use to retrieve articles within the from and to range

If no datetype is set, the default post_date will be used.

Options for datetype include:

  • post_date
  • pull_date
  • updated_date - Date the article was last updated by any user
  • created_date - Date the article was created

Find the Post Date (Go Live Date) and the Pull Date in your article in the Article Manager under General.

Find the updated_date within the Article Manager under History. The updated_date is the most recent at the top of the history.

Find the created_date under Search in the Article Manager.

Based on taxonomy association:

Specify range of taxonomy ID numbers using the following syntax, with commas separating each number (no space):


The articles within the specified taxonomies are limited to the 50 max articles returned with a single request.

If you'd like to include a range, use the following syntax, with a hyphen designating the range (shown in the following example):


To find the taxonomy ID, go to the Taxonomy Manager and click on the edit icon that appears when you hover over the taxonomy you'd like to include. A sidebar will appear on the right hand side with the ID number, shown below.

Based on Individual Newsletter Issue:

This would pull all articles and blog posts associated with a specific newsletter issue.

This is not comma-delimited; only one number will be associated with this, representing the single issue. Only content from a single issue or edition would be returned.


To view the ID number of a publication and edition, go to that page on your website, and view the number in the URL:

Based on Individual Publication Edition:

This would pull all articles and blog posts associated with a specific publication edition.

This is not comma-delimited; only one number will be associated with this, representing the single issue.

Only content from a single issue or edition would be returned.


To view the ID number of a publication and edition, go to that page on your website, and view the number in the URL: